Dilapidation Report Perth
Why you need a dilapidation Report
A dilapidation report (sometimes known as a property condition report) is an inspection with a report (including detailed photographs) on the condition of a property at a specific point in time. It records any existing damage and the current condition of the property that are likely to be affected by construction work, excavation or demolition at surrounding properties.
If your neighbour or council are performing construction works near your property you should document the condition of your property before work start. If the excavation or vibration from the work then damages your property you will be able to claim if you have a dilapidation report that proves that these defects were not present before the construction work commenced.
This even works the other way around! A dilapidation report can protect you if you are planning on doing any major construction work on your property, and you get dilapidation reports done on the properties around you, you can avoid nasty and expensive disputes from your neighbours claiming for damages they think you have caused by the construction works you have done to your property.
We can inspect:
- Driveways
- Street guttering
- Footpaths
- Nature strips
- Yards
- Fences
- Neighbouring houses
Avoid Problems with a Dilapidation Report
If you are wanting to provide a snapshot of the condition of your property, then ask Jim’s Building Inspections to complete a Dilapidation Report. Sometimes known as a property condition report, this is great documentation of what that property is like, at that specific time.
Jim’s has become a well-known, liked, and trusted name throughout Australia, and every single service we provide carries our stamp of customer satisfaction. Our Building Inspection division is spearheaded by the conviction that every person dealing with property – buying or building – has the assurance that there are no hidden defects before they purchase. This passion goes into every inspection we undertake, and all the reports we create. Jargon-free, backed up with photographs and detailed lab analysis (where necessary).
Jim’s Building Inspections will complete a dilapidation report in Perth for builders undertaking renovations, newly constructed projects and even for new tenancy bonds. The report will include detailed photographs and descriptions to record the exact condition of varying parts of a building to fully document it for comparison purposes.
The Benefits of a Dilapidation Report
It is a good idea to get a dilapidation report if your property might be affected by construction, excavation, or demolition of surrounding properties. Getting documentation before the work starts can help prove if any damage was present before the commencement.
Vibration from disruptive and potentially damaging work can cause subsidence, water damage, cracking, debris, dust and impact damage to surrounding properties – getting Jim’s Building Inspections to create a dilapidation report on your property in Perth that can help you avoid nasty and expensive disputes when there has been damaged caused.
If you are planning to complete work on your property that might include excavation, demolitions, earth compaction, drilling, boring, or trench digging, you might want to consider arranging dilapidation reports for the neighbouring properties – this is a great way to maintain relationships with neighbours as well as protect yourself from damage claims.
We can inspect:
- Buildings
- Driveways
- Street Guttering
- Footpaths
- Nature Strips
- Yards
- Fences
Inspections record areas that are likely to be negatively affected by any work and give a good picture of what damage has been caused, so you can understand if it was pre-existing or caused by construction.
What is a Dilapidation Report?
The title “dilapidation report” sounds a bit misleading to those that aren’t 100% sure of what its purpose is. Many people are under the impression that a dilapidation report is a report on a building that is already run-down or damaged and whether it is habitable or safe for sale. However, this is quite far from the truth!
It’s actually an incredibly detailed inspection of a building or other part of a property that is used to document its current state. They are as applicable to brand new properties as they are to older properties in need of some work. They are used in a variety of development projects as a protection for both the developers and the owners of properties that may be affected by the development.
Who needs a dilapidation report?
Dilapidation reports are an essential aspect in any building project that is in close proximity to other properties, but it’s not always the developers themselves that will request one. There are two main parties that will request a dilapidation report for their property:
- Developers/Contractors: Developers and contractors are often obligated by law to have a report done, however, in some cases they may request one to cover themselves should neighbouring properties claim damages from the process. A dilapidation report will include in-depth analysis and photographs of the properties that could be affected by the development before work is done.
- Home/Property Owners: Property owners will request a dilapidation report when there is building or development going on in close proximity to their property. This means that they have detailed information on the condition of their property before the project begins and can therefore claim damages caused by the project if needs be.
Why get a dilapidation report?
It’s important that when you request a dilapidation report that you do so from a trusted and experienced company like Jim’s Building Inspections. Finding the right company to do the report is essential and getting your dilapidation report done by a trusted source will have the following benefits:
- No bias: The company you choose shouldn’t have any kind of bias towards neighbouring properties, developers or property owners. This means that they will be able to provide you with a detailed, highly accurate report (including photographs) that is a completely independent third-party view on the condition of the properties in the report.
- Understand property conditions before work starts: Whether you’re a property owner or a developer, it’s absolutely essential that you know what the structure of a property is like before the work gets underway. As a developer, this allows you to take all the proper precautionary measures to ensure you don’t damage surrounding structures and as a property owner, it gives you the concrete evidence you need should any damage occur to your property from another building site.
- Provides evidence against wrongful claims: It comes with the territory as a developer or contractor that surrounding property owners may take a chance on your project. A dilapidation survey is done to provide evidence that the property had the damage before you started the work and as such, you are not liable for any repairs.
Get Your Dilapidation Report in Perth from Jim’s Building Inspections
When you are looking to get an idea of the condition of your property, for your bond, to protect yourself from disputes, or to ensure that there is no damage caused by your neighbour completing their building works, then you can trust Jim’s Building Inspections to help.
We want to give you confidence to make big changes to your property, allow you to complete renovations easily – or even knock it down and start again. A dilapidation report before and after works are completed allows you access to a completely unbiased report completed by a well-trained, experienced, and knowledgeable building inspector.
Call us today to get your report and enjoy the peace of mind working with Jim’s can give you.
We also do property condition reports
Don’t risk losing your bond over simply missed defects, that any one of our Perth building inspectors would have picked up. We have years of experience with properties, and can even advice of potential damage that may occur during your tenancy.
- Builders undertaking renovation and inspections
- Neighbours
- Roof interior
- Newly constructed projects
- Works on semi-detached buildings
- Excavation
- Demolition
- Trench digging
- Compaction of earth
- Drilling or Boring
- Impact damage
- Subsidence
- Water damage
- Cracking
- Debris or dust

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